Ideal for evenly applying batter to fish, pork, chicken, seafood, vegetables and other crowd favorites!
- Collapses down to half its size
- Dishwasher & microwave safe
- BPA Free food grade materials
- Transparent sides make it easy to ensure even application
Pour batter or breading of your choice into the expanded bottom section and add in the food you would like to evenly coat. Secure the middle sifting section to the bottom section and then secure expanded top section so that all three pieces are snug. Shake until food appears to be evenly coated. Flip upside down and unused batter or breading will sift through to the bottom. Remove food, cook, and enjoy!
Cleaning & Storage
After each use discard remaining unused batter / breading. Then hand wash with hot soapy water or place in the TOP shelf of dishwasher to clean. When dry collapse and store.
US Patent No. 7,678,271
SKU: 602573551028